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  1. Discuss -> Delaying Starting time for school -> Re: Delaying Starting time for school


        Studies show how teens need 8-9 hours of sleep to function properly and students are sleep deprived due to the amount of homework and extracurriculars. Also, statistically schools that start an hour later showed improvements in test grades and overall performance. 

    Below are some links that can help:

  2. Discuss -> Should school start an hour later?

    Studies show that students usually dont go to sleep until 11pm and starting school an hour later wil help because they will get more rest for the next day. Starting school later will also help them with school mentally.

  3. Discuss -> Delaying Starting time for school

    Student in middle and high school tend to get less sleep due to the start time of school. Delaying the start time to just one hour can help with this problem.

  4. Discuss -> Changing the school start time

    It is very difficult to wake up in the morning and prepare for school and not be late. Students demand more time to sleep to get ready for school and actually prepare for what the day has to teach. If school started later we would be able to focus more in class. Do you guys think it's a good idea to push the school start time an hour later? For instance, instead of 8:00am to 3:00pm, it should be 9:00am to 4:00pm.

  5. Discuss -> Block Schedule

    The school's period schedule should be reverted back to block schedule. Student are struggling to keep up with six different subjects everyday. Making it three subjects a day with longer class time would be beneficial to the students. Student will have more time to learn in class, discuss, and ask any questions they can't with shorter amount of class time. Also, more work will be completed in class so if the students don't understand, they can ask for help. With a period schedule, more work is left over to do at home with causes stress. Less sleep is experienced by most students because they struggle to finish all their work. Starting a petition by the parents can help change the school's schedule.

  6. Discuss -> Later Start and Shorter class days -> Re: Later Start and Shorter class days

    As much as i would like more sleep and less school, it would prove more problematic. If their are no school lunches, you are taking away a whole job for the public. A majority of the schools funding is by through lunches also. And the most major thing i disagree with is one of the points about not worrying about serving lunch to free lunch receivers. I've been in very bad financial situations  before and the only way to get free school lunch is if you are. Not everyone is middle-class and have food on the table at home everyday. Teachers would also have to cram their schedules even more for the same amount of pay. Is this all worth it just for sleep and less education? 

  7. Discuss -> Later Start and Shorter class days -> Re: Later Start and Shorter class days

    Hi Payton

    This is great topic. I agree with Hyohgong Seo the idea of getting late to school to have more hours to sleep is fantastic. As a senior I really need those extra hours. However, if you shorten the classes, that means that you are taking away learning hours. Let say that you have Math twice a week for 1:30 hours, if the classes would only be for an hour. You are cutting one hour. In order to do that teachers would need to leave more work to catch up with the curriculum that they need to cover over the year. Otherwise the school year would need to be extended. Which means less vacations for us! And we don’t want that.

    I don’t think that cutting off breakfast and lunch is ideal. We need breakfast to be concentrated in school and if we are realistic, not many students eat at home. If we use the time in the morning to do homework, we will be worry about finishing homework than eating.  Yes, we will be rest but it doesn’t matter because we won’t be concentrated if we are hungry.

    Also, I believe that getting late to school would promote procrastination. Students would have the idea that they have the next morning to do their homework and would leave it for the end. The last thing, the idea to get early to school is not only so our parent can go to work but for us to get used to wake up early to build the professional skills that we need for the real world.

    I hope this disadvantages helps you see other point of view. 

  8. Discuss -> Later Start and Shorter class days -> Re: Later Start and Shorter class days

    Hi Payton,

    I think this is a very good topic to work. The only other disadvantage I can think of is students have less face to face time with their teachers/mentors. I love the fact students get some extra time to sleep in a rejuvenate their energy. I believe school districts in the East Coast, some in the West Coast, and Seattle school districts starts school anywhere from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM. I also think, I've heard teachers get paid salary instead of getting paid hourly, but i can be mistaken. Love your policy by the way and would like to see the final product of your policy. Shoot me a link when you finish.


    Todd Beamer High School

    Grade: 12th Senior

    Hyohgong B. Seo

  9. Discuss -> Diffrent start time at school -> Re: Diffrent start time at school


    It's great that you're exploring later start times for school! I'm sure many teens would agree with you that they need more sleep so they can be attentive and fully functioning once they go to school. Here's an interesting article to support your point:

    But, I challenge you to also consider how later start times may mean later dismissal times for students. So, if students typically go to school for 7 hours from 8am-3pm, starting at 10am would mean students are dismissed later at 5pm. Is this also a compromise that students are willing to take by starting later?

  10. Discuss -> Diffrent start time at school -> Re: Diffrent start time at school

    I agree. Ive read that after you wake up, the brain starts to fully function around 10:00AM. This would not only work with the brain, but allows kids to get more of the sleep they need.